DUET "Beggin' " by MåneskinIntermediate level duet (4 Hands, 1 Piano) arrangement of the 2021 Måneskin cover of "Beggin." SECONDO has rhythmic groove, with clear articulation, throughout the song. PRIMO melody starts simply and fills in chords as the song progresses. Lovely arpeggiated bridge section provides contrast to the driving rock beat.
DUET "Don't Lose Sight" by LawrenceLate Intermediate equal parts duet arrangement of "Don't Lose Sight," a 2021 release by the group Lawrence. Heavy on the gospel, the thick chords are voiced across three hands. Intro is slower and selective with chords in straight rhythm, at pre-chorus the syncopation kicks in and the fun begins! Bridge infuses a feature from the band's acoustic YouTube version by stacking/adding chord tones one at a time until nearly the entire keyboard is used.
DUET "Glimpse of Us" by JojiLate Intermediate equal part duet arrangement of 2021 Joji release in original key. Intro and verse 1 are set simply and true to artist's recording. Verse 2 and final chorus are very classical featuring arpeggios and scales in the accompaniment with melody weaving between the hands.
DUET "I'll Be Waiting" by Cian DucrotIntermediate level duet arrangement of Cian Ducrot's 2023 release transposed to C for easier reading (original in Db). It's simple beginning builds to an impressive full sound with low doubled octaves supporting blocked chords across all hands
DUET "Music for a Sushi Restaurant" by Harry StylesIntermediate level equal parts duet arrangement of Harry Styles' 2022 release transposed down to F major (original in F# major). Students comfortable with reading 16th note syncopation will be enjoy this arrangement.
Intermediate level equal parts duet arrangement the 2023 Charlie Puth/Dan+Shay release. Simple beginning builds to a big finish, including the soaring counter melody at the end of the second chorus.
DUET "That's Not How This Works"
DUET "There Is An Answer" by A Great Big WorldIntermediate level duet (4 Hands, 1 Piano) arrangement of A Great Big World's 2014 release in original key. The 3/4+4/4 time signature and 16th note syncopation will challenge the players.
DUET "These Are the Times" by Martin GarrixLate Intermediate level equal parts piano duet arrangement of 2019 Martin Garrix EDM (Electronic dance music) hit "These Are The Times" in the original key. Intro starts simply with melody & bass line, becomes more complex, and then simplifies for the verse. Chorus starts smaller, then soars over big rhythmic chords, and finally concludes with chorus & intro melodies paired together.
DUET "Wish You The Best" by Lewis CapaldiIntermediate level 4 Hands, 1 Piano duet arrangement of 2023 Lewis Capaldi release in the original key. Primo & Secondo take turns with melody and the pulsing 8th note motif. On final chorus, the Primo RH fills out to 3 note chords & Secondo RH gets a counter melody. Arrangement drives to the final chord, just like the artist's recording without ritard.